Mandatory Training Event Schedule


Oct. 30, 2024 (Wednesday Night : Webinar)

Nov. 20, 2024 (In person : Atlantic City)

ATTENTION Board Secretaries: You need to register your members to avoid billing errors, please contact our office if you need assistance. Thank You

NJPO Award Recipients Announced



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Our Mission

NJPO is a non-profit, 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization. We provide educational services, support and information to municipal planning boards, zoning boards of adjustment and elected officials. NJPO depends upon the annual membership of more than 740 municipal and county planning boards and local zoning boards, governing bodies and about 400 professionals and individuals. Total membership exceeds 9,000.

Classified Ads
Take advantage of our Classified Ads section.  Ad rates $45/45 days/45 words ... additional words $5 / 10 word 

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Certified Officials
 This is a database of the students who took course work with NJPO. If you took the course with another provider, please contact that provider for more information.  

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 Professionals Directory
See a comprehensive list of our Land Use Professionals here. Searchable by county. 

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