On July 7, 2005 an act providing for the mandatory, one-time training of planning and zoning board (and consolidated land use board) members was signed into law. (N.J.S.A. 40:55D-23.3 and 23.4) The training consists of five contact hours within the same calendar day. Areas of study include: the roles and responsibilities of planning and zoning board members under the MLUL, understanding the master plan and sub-elements and its relationship to other local, regional and state planning documents and the local development application review process. Each participant will complete a simple standardized test at the end of the course. All board members are required to satisfactorily complete this course and pass the test.
The purpose of the course is to provide a uniform educational experience for all planning and zoning board members throughout the state and to provide the basic practical information they will need to fulfill their responsibilities. The course is offered regionally and frequently. Both the instructors and their course schedules are subject to change.
To get the best experience, please create an account with NJPO. Creating an account on the NJPO website does not mean you are a member of NJPO. For membership information please click the link to the right.