Benefits of Membership
Perks & Privileges
The New Jersey Planner
The New Jersey Planner is published six times yearly and is distributed to our members. Features include treatment of major planning topics, the latest court opinions on land use matters, and reports on legislative developments affecting the planning process. This 16 page periodical also highlights little known areas which are unique to New Jersey. This is a must have for any board member that wants to stay abreast of all things related to land use in the state of New Jersey.
AICP Certificate Maintenance Credits &
Rutgers Continuing Education Contact Hours
Professional Planners in New Jersey who are Certified by the American Institute of Certified Planners are required to take 32 credits worth of Certificate Maintenance Credits (CMs) every two year cycle.
Every year, NJPO offers between 18 to 24 AICP CM credits at the League of Municipalities Conference in Atlantic City. These credits are FREE to all our professional planners. Better yet, as a member, you could teach the class, and gain an extra hour worth of credit per class!

AICP Certificate Maintenance Credits &
Rutgers Continuing Education Contact Hours
Our three board membership includes the planning board, zoning board, council members, board secretaries AND all employees are covered under membership. Municipal employees that require continuing education credits from Rutgers can gain valuable credits through our programs offered at the League of Municipalities Conference in Atlantic City.
Discounts on all NJPO Publications
NJPO members enjoy discounts on all of our publications. NJPO members save anywhere from 15 to 40 percent over non-member rates.
Authoring Articles
Our newsletter “The New Jersey Planner” is published six times a year. Our publication distribution exceeds 7,000 readers throughout the State of New Jersey. What is better that reading our newsletter? Someone quoting you from our newsletter. What a great way to share your expertise with board members.
Lecture with New Jersey Planning Officials
Our instructors are highly praised and offer their knowledge to new and experienced board members. These highly sought after positions are reserved for NJPO professionals who are the top in their fields.
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